Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, no contract for supplies, material, labor, or other valuable consideration, to be furnished to the City shall be authorized by the City Council except with the lowest and best bidder after competitive bidding. The City Council may reject any and all bids.

    Competitive bidding shall not be required under this Charter for:


    Labor or services rendered by any City officer or employee.


    Labor, material, supplies or services furnished by one City department to another City department.


    Contracts for labor, material, supplies, or services available from only one vendor.


    Contracts for labor, material, supplies, or services under $75,000 or less.


    Contracts relating to the acquisition of real property.


    Contracts for professional or unique services.


    Contracts for labor, material, or supplies for actual emergency work.


    Contracts with other governmental entities or their contractors for labor, material, supplies, or services.

(Sec. 1002 amended by vote of the people 3-9-1993; amended by vote of the people 6-3-1980; Sec. 1002 amended by vote of the people 6-8-1976, effective August 1, 1976.)