Latest version.
  • After the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council shall consider the proposed budget and make any revisions that it may deem advisable. The City Council shall annually, on or before the thirtieth day of June, adopt a budget of the amounts estimated to be required to pay the expenses of conducting the public business of the City for the fiscal year. The budget shall be prepared in such detail as to the aggregate sum and the items or programs thereof allowed to each department, office, agency, board, commission or committee as the City Council may determine. The budget may include an "unappropriated balance" which shall be appropriated during the fiscal year to meet contingencies and needs as they arise. A copy of the budget, certified by the City Clerk as having been adopted by the City Council, shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and shall be available for public inspection. Another copy, likewise certified, shall be filed with the Director of Finance. Copies of the budget shall be made available for the use of each department, office, agency, board, commission and committee of the City.

(Sec. 904 amended by vote of the people 3-9-1993: Sec. 904 amended by vote of the people 6-8-1976, effective August 1, 1976.)