Latest version.
  • No later than February of each year, the Mayor shall present a thematic budget message for the upcoming fiscal year to the City Council. The City Council shall establish procedures whereby public suggestions and comments on the Mayor's budget proposals may be received and considered prior to the preparation and submission of budget estimates by the Departments to the City Manager.

    On or before the third Monday in May of each year, the City Manager shall submit to the City Council a preliminary budget of probable expenditures and revenues of the City for the succeeding fiscal year, giving the amounts required to meet the interest and sinking funds for all outstanding funded debts, the amounts required for salaries and the needs of all departments and programs of the municipal government in detail, showing specifically the amount necessary to be apportioned to each fund in the treasury, and giving the estimated income and revenue to be obtained from all sources, indicating the revenue separately for each source.

(Sec. 902 amended by vote of the people 6-5-2018: Sec. 902 amended by vote of the people 11-3-1998: Sec. 902 amended by vote of the people 3-9-1993: Sec. 902 amended by vote of the people 6-8-1976, effective August 1, 1976.)