Latest version.
  • The City Council shall, by ordinance, provide for the organization of all city operations and activities into functional units and may modify and change the organization from time to time. This organization shall be accomplished through the creation and establishment, by ordinance, of city departments, offices and agencies, advisory boards, commissions and committees. In establishing departments, offices, agencies, boards, commissions and committees, the Council shall provide for the functions, powers and duties of each such department, office, agency, board, commission or committee created.

    The City Council may, by ordinance, abolish, consolidate, modify or separate any department, office, agency, board, commission or committee, and may assign, reassign, or modify any functions, powers or duties.

(Sec. 410 amended by vote of the people 3-9-1993: Sec. 410 amended by vote of the people 6-8-1976, effective August 1, 1976.)